Kinsale Pebble

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The Kinsale Driveway Pebble 14mm is a beautiful grey round driveway pebble with a hint of biscuit and white mixed through by Mother Nature. It is a hard pebble, that will withstand heavy traffic. Our in house expert outlines the benefits of using the " Kinsale Driveway Pebble 14mm " 1. It's a round pebble , hence it doesn't get caught in footwear and damage indoor floors etc. 2. It's a hard stone that doesn't break down easily under traffic. 3. It is a very attractive pebble with a nice mix of warm biscuit and blue. Our expert recommends a 50 / 50 mix, which in plain English is one bag of The Kinsale Driveway Holding Dust for every bag of driveway pebble Ie : If you need to cover 48m2, divide the area by 12m2 per bag which gives you 4 bags in total. This means you need 2 bags of "Kinsale Driveway Holding Dust” and 2 bags of "Kinsale Driveway Pebble”.

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